Yarraman Oaks Primary School Noble Park
At Yarraman Oaks Primary School we believe that a balanced focus on student achievement, engagement and wellbeing will lead to student success.
At Yarraman Oaks Primary School our teaching and learning programs are based on the Victorian Curriculum. We strive to provide learning activities that are challenging, engaging and varied. Technology is integrated into all curriculum areas and used to enhance learning student opportunities.

We deliver our Literacy learning using a structured literacy approach supported by the Science of Reading. We offer a program that promotes skill development in Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening in a supportive and stimulating environment. Planning is supported by best practices around literacy acquisition including but not limited explicit direct instruction (EDI).
We use the Little Learners Love Literacy Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) program to develop Phonological & Phonemic Awareness. Our literacy instruction is very structured and teaches children the 44 letter sounds and how we blend sounds to read and spell. We have focused fluency instruction in our classrooms. Fluency pairs is a short, sharp activity where we pair students to read a text multiple times a week. Our students learn about the grammatical structure of words, explore morphology (the study of words and their parts), syntax (sentence structure), and the fascinating world of etymology (the history and examination of the origin of words and meanings). Learning about root words, prefixes/suffixes help children understand words better and unlock the structure and meaning within words. Students also begin to see links between different words and identify word families. eg. the word destructive the prefix "de-" means, in this case, "removal" (eg "dehumidify" "defame" "detoxify") the root "-struct" means "to build" or "to assemble".
We use The Writing Revolution (TWR) to inform our writing program. The TWR approach builds from sentences to compositions and is embedded in curriculum across all content areas and grade levels. Explicit handwriting instruction is provided at all grade levels. Writing genres are mapped throughout the year and sentence, paragraph and text level writing is taught systematically, linking to the Knowledge Unit content. Explicit grammar lessons are taught and revised in the daily review.
All students participate in a 1 hour Mathematics lesson per day. Across the week students participate in 5 lessons focusing on Number & Algebra, Statistics & Probability, and Measurement & Geometry. All Mathematics units are planned using the Victorian Curriculum and the student relevant data. Concepts are taught explicitly and are applicable to real life situations and topics to provide opportunities for students to develop and apply their skills. Students are taught problem solving skills, reasoning, fluency and understanding in order to develop a deep understanding of all Mathematical concepts. Lessons are differentiated in order to support all students with their growth.

At Yarraman Oaks our Foundation to Grade 2 students participate in learning activities which require them to investigate the world around them. An Inquiry Model is followed to ensure students are actively engaged in their learning across curriculum areas such as Geography, History and Social and Emotional Capabilities.
In Grades 3- 6 our students follow an Inquiry approach to learn about Science, Health, Civics and Citizenship, Geography, History and Economics. During Inquiry sessions, students have opportunities to work independently, with a partner and as a part of a group. Our Inquiry sessions are linked to an area of the Victorian Curriculum (E.g. Science- Chemistry) students have key outcomes to achieve. Students are actively engaged in their learning as this approach promotes exploration, design, creativity, reflection, communication and the investigation of skills and concepts. Teachers support students as they inquire through small clinic groups and conferencing with individual children.
Developing student social and emotional skills is a high priority at Yarraman Oaks Primary School. We know that when students are engaged and connected to their school, they are more likely to be successful.
At our school, the Health and Physical Education Program is designed to promote and develop the physical and mental health of all students. Students are given the opportunity to develop strategies to assist them to cope with challenging situations through the use of the Zones of Regulation Program.

Digital Technology
At Yarraman Oaks we aim to nurture each child’s individuality while making them smart users of technology with a thorough knowledge of internet safety, computational thinking and digital design. Our aim is for all students to develop a wealth of digital presentation techniques, strong coding skills and great problem-solving abilities in order to equip them for whatever they choose to pursue in their future. We have a 1-1 laptop program in our grades 3-6 and class sets of iPads for the junior school to use. These devices are complemented with robotics equipment that classes can access.
Specialist Program
Our teaching and learning programs include a wide range of specialist and extracurricular activities designed to assist our students to broaden their knowledge and experience and to develop their talents and interests. Students participate in weekly Digitech lessons and specialist teachers deliver weekly Performing Arts, PE, French and Visual Arts lessons.
Our Performing Arts program includes:
· Choir
· Whole school concerts
Our Physical Education program includes:
· Interschool Sport
· Cross Country
· Athletics
· Whole school swimming program
· Camping program for Grade 3-6 students
· Professional Martial Arts, Rugby, Netball and Soccer coaching clinics
· Soccer Carnivals
- Whole school Twilight Sports evening
Our Visual Arts program includes:
· Painting
· Clay Modelling
· Collage
· Screen Printing
· Discuss and evaluate the art making process
Our French program includes:
· Participate in routine exchanges
· Exchange greetings
· Ask and answer questions
· Create simple texts
· Translate from French to English

Performing Arts

Visual Arts

Physical Education